
Acupuncture for improving fertility

Many patients find the use of acupuncture helpful in their journey to become parents – whether or not they are using IVF. Acupuncture can be used at any point and the sooner treatment is started the more benefit it can have.

Some patients see Lydia as soon as they realise that they need some support with their fertility before starting any Western treatment. Others start acupuncture after they have commenced their IVF treatment. Either way, patients talk of the positive role that acupuncture has had in their bid to become parents and how it has nurtured them through, what often is, a very stressful time. Lydia aims to do a number of things to support women – namely to:

  • regulate the menstrual cycle,
  • improve blood circulation to the uterus and ovaries,
  • thicken the uterine wall and
  • reduce stress levels by reducing serum adrenaline levels.
Given 40% of reproductive difficulties relate to male fertility issues men can use acupuncture and individually tailored lifestyle advice to help improve sperm quality.

Lydia is well versed in Western medicine’s role in supporting fertility and works with patients who are trying to conceive naturally and also those going through IVF. She uses her Chinese Medicine diagnosis alongside results such as blood tests, scans and sperm analysis to develop a bespoke treatment plan for each patient to optimise reproductive health.

Lydia has a post-graduate Diploma in Gynaecology, Fertility & Obstetrics from the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine (CICM) in Reading which covered fertility medicine from both a Chinese Medicine and Western medicine stand point.